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『英文書』Magic Tree House Research Guide #28: Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters 神奇树屋小百科系列28:海啸和其他自然灾害 9780375832215

書城自編碼: 1853101
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: MARY
國際書號(ISBN): 9780375832215
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2007-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 121/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 302



** 我創建的書架 **

Book Description
What are the warning signs that a tsunami is on the way? Can
scientists predict earthquakes? How do volcanoes form? Find out the
answers to these questions and more in Magic Tree House Research
Guide: Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters, Jack and Annie''s guide
to geological disasters. This is the nonfiction companion to High
Tide in Hawaii Magic Tree House No.28.
About Magic Tree House series
Magic Tree House is a book series for young children by Mary Pope
Osborne. The series features two children, the bookworm Jack and
his adventurous and imaginative younger sister Annie, who travel to
historical places using a magic tree house. The magic tree house
belongs to Morgan Le Fay who, in the series, is King Arthur''s
sister and a librarian. She uses the magic tree house to gather
books from time and space.
Jack and Annie travel by opening a book, pointing at a picture of a
place and then wishing that they could go there. The magic tree
house then spins around and magically they arrive at the
Book Dimension
length: cm19.5       width:cm13.5
Mary Pope Osborne grew up in the military, and by the time she
was fifteen had lived in Oklahoma, Austria, Florida and four
different army posts in Virginia and North Carolina. After
graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in
the early 1970''s, Mary traveled all over Europe, and spent the
first six weeks of her trip living in a cave on the island of
Crete. She then joined up with a group of European young people and
traveled in rickety vans through sixteen Asian countries, including
Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal. She was a
bartender, an acting teacher, a waitress, a travel agent, a window
dresser, and a medical assistant — all before becoming an author!
Now she is the author of many highly acclaimed picture books, early
chapter books, middle-grade biographies, and young adult novels. In
February 1993, Mary was elected the 27th president of the Author''s
Guild, the oldest, most established organization for writers in the
United States.



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