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書城自編碼: 1797974
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語綜合教程
作者: 常俊跃
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301193754
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2011-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 229/390000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 304



** 我創建的書架 **

unit 1 the first civilizations 1
text a the cradle of civilization 2
text b pyramids in egypt 9
text c otzi''s last meal 11
unit 2 ancient greece i 13
text a the classical greece
text b a tale of two cities: sparta vs athens 20
text c alexander the great: the king of kings 22
unit 3 ancient greece ii 25
text a the hellenistic greece 26
text b the ancient olympic games 32
text c the parthenon 34
unit 4 ancient rome i
text a rome: from republic to empire
text b conversion of the roman republic to the roman empire
text c the burning of rome
unit 5 ancient rome ii
text a roman art and architecture
text b roman baths
text c the roman forum
unit 6 the bible and rise of christianity
text a an introduction to the bible
text b the rise of christianity
text c the gospels
unit 7 the middle ages
text a between ancient and modern
text b the crusades
text c the black death
unit 8 the making of renaissance
text a the dawn of a new age
text b the humanism of the renaissance
text c johann gutenberg
unit 9 high renaissance
text a renaissance art and artists
text b mystery behind the mona lisa
text c william shakespeare
unit 10 the reformation
text a the european reformation
text b the roman catholic church in 1500
text c driven to defiance
unit 11 the baroque age
text a the age of revolution
text b newton, the apple, and gravity
text c baroque style
unit 12 the age of enlightenment
text a the enlightenment
text b wolfgang amadeus mozart
text c women in the enlightenment
unit 13 the french revolution
text a the french revolution
text b the storming of the bastille
text c the reign of terror
unit 14 romanticism
text a romanticism
text b the sorrows of young werther
text c the romantic painting
unit 15 realism
text a science and culture in an age of realism
text b a tale of two cities
text c charles darwin
unit 16 modernism and other contemporary trends
texta modernism defined 199
text b modernism after world war ii i
text c modernism after world war ii ii
key to exercises



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