內容簡介: |
chapter 1 introduction
1.1 turbulence and symmetries
1.2 outline of the book
chapter 2 symmetries and conservation laws
2.1 periodic boundary conditions
2.2 symmetries
2.3 conservation laws
2.4 energy budget scale-by-scale
chapter 3 why a probabilistic description of turbulence?
3.1 there is something predictable in a turbulent
3.2 a model for deterministic chaos
3.3 dynamical systems
3.4 the navier-stokes equation as a dynamical system
chapter 4 probabilistic tools: a survey
4.1 random variables
4.2 random functions
4.3 statistical symmetries
4.4 ergodic results
4.5 the spectrum of stationary random functions
chapter 5 two experimental laws of fully developed turbulence
5.1 the two-thirds law
5.2 the energy dissipation law
chapter 6 the kolmogorov 1941 theory
chapter 7 phenomenology of turbulence in the sense of kolmogorov
chapter 8 intermittency
chapter 9 further reading: a guided tour
author index
subject index