內容簡介: |
Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology
provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to neutrino
physics, neutrino astronomy and neutrino cosmology. The intrinsic
properties and fundamental interactions of neutrinos are described,
as is the phenomenology of lepton flavor mixing, seesaw mechanisms
and neutrino oscillations. The cosmic neutrino background, stellar
neutrinos, supernova neutrinos and ultrahigh-energy cosmic
neutrinos, together with the cosmological matter-antimatter
asymmetry and other roles of massive neutrinos in cosmology, are
discussed in detail. This book is intended for researchers and
graduate students in the fields of particle physics, particle
astrophysics and cosmology. Dr. Zhizhong Xing is a professor at the
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
China; Dr. Shun Zhou is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Max
Planck Institute for Physics, Germany.
1 Neutrinos: Past, Present and Future
1.1 Neutrinos in Nuclear and Particle Physics
1.1.1 Pauli''s Neutrino Hypothesis
1.1.2 Weak Interactions and Neutrinos
1.1.3 Discoveries of Neutrinos
1.2 Neutrinos in Astronomy and Cosmology
1.2.1 Neutrinos from Stars and Supernovae
1.2.2 High-energy Cosmic Neutrinos
1.2.3 Cosmic Neutrino Background
1.3 Knowledge and Questions on Neutrinos
1.3.1 Present Knowledge on Neutrinos
1.3.2 Open Questions on Neutrinos
2 Neutrinos within the Standard Model
2.1 Fundamentals of the Standard Model
2.1.1 Gauge Symmetries
2.1.2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
2.1.3 Renormalizability
2.1.4 The Standard Electroweak Model
2.2 Standard Interactions of Neutrinos
2.2.1 Neutrino-electron Scattering
2.2.2 Neutrino-neutrino Scattering
2.2.3 Neutrino-nucleon Interactions
2.3 Neutrino Propagation in a Medium
2.3.1 Coherent Forward Scattering
2.3.2 The Effective Potential
2.3.3 Neutrino Self-energy Approach
3 Neutrinos beyond the Standard Model
3.1 Experimental Evidence for Neutrino Masses
3.1.1 Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
3.1.2 Accelerator Neutrino Oscillations
3.1.3 Solar Neutrino Oscillations
3.1.4 Reactor Neutrino Oscillations
3.1.5 Implications of Experimental Data
3.2 Dirac and Majorana Neutrino Mass Terms
3.2.1 Dirac Masses and Lepton Number Conservation
3.2.2. Majorana Masses and Lepton Number Violation
3.2.3 Hybrid Mass Terms and Seesaw Mechanisms
3.3 C, P and T Properties of Fermion Fields
3.3.1 C, P and T Transformations of Spinor Bilinears
3.3.2 CP Violation in Quark and Lepton Sectors
3.4 Electromagnetic Properties of Massive
3.4.1 Electromagnetic Form Factors
3.4.2 Magnetic and Electric Dipole Moments
3.4.3 Radiative Decays of Massive Neutrinos
3.4.4 Electromagnetic Neutrino-electron Scattering
3.5 Lepton Flavor Mixing and CP Violation
3.5.1 Classification of Different Parametrizations
3.5.2 Democratic and Tri-bimaximal Mixing Patterns
3.5.3 Rephasing Invariants and Unitarity Triangles
3.5.4 Flavor Problems in Particle Physics
3.6 Running Behaviors of Neutrino Mass
3.6.1 One-loop Renormalization-group Equations
3.6.2 Evolution of Majorana Neutrino Mass Parameters
3.6.3 Evolution of Dirac Neutrino Mass Parameters
4 Seesaw Mechanisms of Neutrino Masses
4.1 How to Generate Tiny Neutrino Masses
4.1.1 Non-seesaw Mechanisms
4.1.2 Seesaw Mechanisms
4.1.3 The Weinberg Operator
4.2 On the Scales of Seesaw Mechanisms
4.2.1 Seesaw-induced Hierarchy Problem
4.2.2 Seesaw-induced Naturalness Problem
4.3 Seesaw Mechanisms at the TeV Scale
4.3.1 Type-I Seesaw Mechanism
4.3.2 Type-II Seesaw Mechanism
4.3.3 Type-I+II Seesaw Mechanism
4.3.4 Type-III Seesaw Mechanism
4.3.5 Inverse Seesaw Mechanism
4.4 Multiple Seesaw Mechanisms
5 Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations
6 Neutrinos from Stars
7 Neutrinos from Supernovae
8 Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Neutrinos
9 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Relic Neutrinos
10 Neutrinos and Cosmological Structures
11 Cosmological Matter-antimatter Asymmetry