內容簡介: |
to the instructor
section 1 technical communication basics 商务报告写作基础
chapter 1 definition of technical communication 商务报告写作的定义
chapter 2 profiling audiences 读者概述
chapter 3 the technical communication process 商务报告写作过程
chapter 4 technical communication style 商务报告写作方式
chapter 5 researching 研究
chapter 6 designing pages 页面设计
chapter 7 using visual aids 使用视图
chapter 8 summarizing 概述
chapter 9 defining 定义
chapter 10 describing 描述
section 2 technical communication applications 商务报告写作应用
chapter 11 sets of instructions 指令集
chapter 12 memorandums and informal reports 备份录和非正式报告
chapter 13 developing websites 网站开发
chapter 14 formal reports 正式报告
chapter 15 recommendation and feasibility reports 推荐和可行性报告
chapter 16 proposals 提案
chapter 17 user manuals 使用说明书
section 3 professional communication 职场写作
chapter 18 oral presentations 口头陈述
chapter 19 letters 信函
chapter 20 job application materials 求职材料
appendix a brief handbook for technical writers 专业文档撰写简要手册
appendix b documenting sources 记录来源