內容簡介: |
chapter 1 introduction to control systems
1-1 introduction
1-2 examples of control systems
1-3 closed-loop control versus open-loop control
1-4 design and compensation of control systems
1-5 outline of the book
chapter 2 mathematical modeling of control systems
2-1 introduction
2-2 transfer function and impulse-response function
2-3 automatic control systems
2-4 modeling in state space
2-5 state-space representation of scalar differential equation systems
2-6 transformation of mathematical models with matlab
2-7 linearization of nonlinear mathematical models
example problems and solutions
chapter 3 mathematical modeling of mechanical systems and electrical systems
3-1 introduction
3-2 mathematical modeling of mechanical systems
3-3 mathematical modeling of electrical systems
example problems and solutions
chapter 4 mathematical modeling of fluid systems and thermal systems
4-1 introduction
4-2 liquid-level systems
4-3 pneumatic systems
4-4 hydraulic systems
4-5 thermal systems
example problems and solutions
chapter 5 transient and steady-state response analyses
5-1 introduction
5-2 first-order systems
5-3 second-order systems
5-4 higher-order systems
5-5 transient-response analysis with matlab
5-6 routh''s stability criterion
5-7 effects of integral and derivative control actions on system performance
5-8 steady-state errors in unity-feedback control systems
example problems and solutions
chapter 6 control systems analysis and design by the root-locus method
6-1 introduction
6-2 root-locus plots
6-3 plotting rootloci with matlab
6-4 root-locus plots of positive feedback systems
6-5 root-locus approach to control-systems design
6-6 lead compensation
6-7 lag compensation
6-8 lag-lead compensation
6-9 parallel compensation
example problems and solutions
chapter 7 control systems analysis and design by the frequency-response method
7-1 introduction
7-2 bode diagrams
7-3 polar plots
7-4 log-magnitude-versus-phase plots
7-5 nyquist stability criterion
7-6 stability analysis
7-7 relative stability analysis
7-8 closei-loop frequency response of unity-feedback systems
7-9 experimental determination of transfer functions
7-10 control systems design by frequency-response approach
7-11 lead compensation
7-12 lag compensation
7-13 lag-lead compensation
example problems and solutions
chapter 8 pid controllers and modified pid controllers
8-1 introduction
8-2 ziegler-nichols rules for tuning pid controllers
8-3 design of pid controllers with frequency-response approach
8-4 design of pid controllers with computational optimization approach
8-5 modifications of pid control schemes
8-6 two-degrees-of-freedom control
8-7 zero-placement approach to improve response characteristics
example problems and solutions
chapter 9 control systems analysis in state space
9-1 introduction
9-2 state-space representations of transfer-function systems
9-3 transformation of system models with matlab
9-4 solving the time-invariant state equation
9-5 some useful results in vector-matrix analysis
9-6 controllability
9-7 observability
example problems and solutions
chapter 10 control systems design in state space
10-1 introduction
10-2 pole placement
10-3 solving pole-placement problems with matlab
10-4 design of serve systems
10-5 state observers
10-6 design of regulator systems with observers
10-7 design of control systems with observers
10-8 quadratic optimal regulator systems
10-9 robust control systems
example problems and solutions
appendix a laplace transform tables
appendix b partial-fraction expansion
appendix c vector-matrix algebra