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書城自編碼: 1678306
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學社會學
作者: [美]弗里德曼
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111317975
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2010-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 442/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 361



** 我創建的書架 **

(美)弗里德曼,是加州大学伯克利分校的统计学教授、杰出的数理统计学家。其研究范围包括鞅不等式分析、Markov过程、抽样、自助法等。他是美国科学学院士。在2003年。美国科学院授予他John J.Carty科学进步奖,以表彰他对统计理论和实践做出的贡献。
Foreword to the ReVised Edition
1 Observational Studies and Experiments
 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 The HIP trial
 1.3 Snow on cholera
 1.4 Yule on the causes of poverty
 Exercise set A
 1.5 End notes
2 The Regression Line
 2.1 Introduction
 2.2 The regression line
 2.3 Hooke''s law
 Exercise set A
 2.4 Complexities
 2.5 Simple vs multiple regression
 Exercise set B
 2.6 End notes
3 Matrix Algebra
 3.1 Introduction
 Exercise set A
 3.2 Determinants and inverses
 Exercise set B
 3.3 Random vectors
 Exercise set C
 3.4 Positive definite matrices
 Exercise set D
 3.5 The normal distribution
 Exercise set E
 3.6 If you want a book on matrix algebra
4 Multiple Regression
 4.1 Introduction
 Exercise set A
 4.2 Standard errors
 Things we don''t need
 Exercise set B
 4.3 Explained variance in multiple regression
 Association or causation?
 Exercise set C
 4.4 What happens to OLS if the assumptions break down?
 4.5 Discussion questions
 4.6 End notes
5 Multiple Regression: Special Topics
 5.1 Introduction
 5.2 OLSisBLUE
 Exercise set A
 5.3 Generalized least squares
 Exercise set B
 5.4 Examples on GLS
 Exercise set C
 5.5 What happens to GLS if the assumptions break down?
 5.6 Normal theory
 Statistical significance
 Exercise set D
 5.7 The F-test
 "The" F-test in applied work
 Exercise set E
 5.8 Data snooping
 Exercise set F
 5.9 Discussion questions
 5.10 End notes
6 Path Models
 6.1 Stratification
 Exercise set A
 6.2 Hooke''s law revisited
 Exercise set B
 6.3 Political repression during the McCarthy era
 Exercise set C
 6.4 Inferring causation .by regression
 Exercise set D
 6.5 Response schedules for path diagrams
 Selection vs intervention
 Structural equations and stable parameter:Ambiguity in notation
 Exercise set E
 6.6 Dummy variables
 Types of variables
 6.7 Discussion questions
 6.8 End notes
7 Maximum Likelihood
 7.1 Introduction
 Exercise set A
 7.2 Probit models
 Why not regression?
 The latent-variable formulation
 Exercise set B
 Identification vs estimation
 What if the Ui are N?
 Exercise set C
 7.3 Logit models
 Exercise set D
 7.4 The effect of Catholic schools
 Latent variables
 Response schedules
 The second equation
 Mechanics: bivariate probit
 Why a model rather than a cross-lab?
 More on table 3 in Evans and Schwab
 More on the second equation
 Exercise set E
 7.5 Discussion questions
 7.6 End notes
8 The Bootstrap
 8.1 Introduction
 Exercise set A
 8.2 Bootstrapping a model for energy demand
 Exercise set B
 8.3 End notes
9 Simultaneous Equations
 9.1 Introduction
 Exercise set A
 9.2 Instrumental variables
 Exercise set B
 9.3 Estimating the butter model
 Exercise set C
 9.4 What are the two stages?
 Invariance assumptions
 9.5 A social-science example: education and fertility
 More on Rindfuss et al
 9.6 Covariates
 9.7 Linear probability models
 The assumptions
 The questions
 Exercise set D
 9.8 More on IVLS
 Some technical issues
 Exercise set E
 Simulations to illustrate IVLS
 9.9 Discussion questions
 9.10 End notes
10 Issues in Statistical Modeling
 10.1 Introduction
 The bootstrap
 The role of asymptotics
 Philosophers'' stones
 The modelers'' response
 10.2 Critical literature
 10.3 Response schedules
 10.4 Evaluating the models in chapters 7-9
 10.5 Summing up
Answers to Exercises
The Computer Labs
Appendix: Sample MATLAB Code
 Gibson on McCarthy
 Evans and Schwab on Catholic Schools
 Rindfuss et al on Education and Fertility
 Schneider et al on Social Capital



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