The Ancient Times古代篇
2.Socrates :Apology
3.Plato:The Republic
4.Aristotle :Metaphysics
Unit Two:The Power and Authority in Ancient Rome
5.Thucydides:History of the Pelopnnesian War
6.Marcus Aurelius:The Meditations
Unit Three:The Church and Religion in the Middle Ages
7.The Holy Bible
8.St.Thomas Aquinas:Summa Theologica
The Modern Times近代篇
Unit Four:The Rise of Humanism in Renaissance and Reformation.
9.Nicolaus Copernicus:The Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs
10.Nicol6 Machiavelli:The Prince
11.Martin Luther:ATreatise on Christian Liberty
12.John Calvin:Institutes of the Christian Religbn
Tht Fra of Contemporary (现代篇)
The Present Times(当代篇)
Appendix (附录:西方文化大事要览)