The root of benevolence
Ruling a large country
The fine young man
The gentleman
A virtuous people
Understanding others
Providing for parents
Words and actions
Good to all
Study and contemplation
A Gentleman''s contentions
Sovereigns and ministers
Sovereigns and ministers
A benevolent Neighborhood
Residing in Benevolence
Liking people
Willful benevolence
The way in the morning
Doing the right thing
The profit motive
Profit and righteousness
Reckless words
Shen cheng''s infirmity
Zichan the gentleman
Dwelling on the past
Peasants and pedants
the Delight of study
The gentleman''s way
The method of benevolence
Wealth and enjoyment
Extravagance and parsimony
A gentleman''s freedom
A scholar''s path